What is magic desktop in windows 7
What is magic desktop in windows 7

what is magic desktop in windows 7

You don't have to create and maintain your own help system. They may get frustrated if they have to learn a different help system for your application, particularly when they're looking for help. Silicon Graphics users are familiar with it. It also allows users to get help information by browsing and searching an index of available help topics and by following cross-references (links) to related topics. SGIHelp provides context-sensitive help and task-oriented help. Users like it-it's easy to use and convenient. The Software Manager can't track this information for applications that were installed using specialized scripts. Users can query the Software Manager database to quickly obtain information such as whether the application is installed, when it was installed, how much disk space it uses, and whether any upgrades or maintenance releases have been installed. It provides installation status information. When the user installs an upgrade, the Software Manager automatically removes previous versions of that application. It helps users upgrade applications cleanly.

what is magic desktop in windows 7

They don't have to rely on specialized removal instructions or guess which directories and files to remove. Users can remove your application and all supporting directories and files using Software Manager. It allows users to remove their applications cleanly. Users won't have to learn how to use additional tools, read lengthy installation instructions, or enter commands in a UNIX shell. It gives users a single, graphical tool to install all of their applications, upgrades, and maintenance releases.

What is magic desktop in windows 7