How to play city of heroes ccg
How to play city of heroes ccg

Players can also choose to defend with their equipment. There’s no cost to defend with cards and all defending cards are declared at the same time. The opponent then has the option to defend with any number of cards from their hand. The combat chain is where the majority of gameplay happens and occurs when a player plays an attack, action, or attacks with a weapon. While instants can be pitched for resources, they do not have defense values, so they do come at a cost when building your deck.Ĭombat is the bread and butter of Flesh and Blood. Instant cards have a wide range of abilities that can draw cards, grant other cards Go again, disrupt your opponent’s attack, or even gain life. Since instant cards can be played at any time, you don’t need an action point to play them, but their resource cost must be paid. Defense reactions don’t require an action point to play, but some do have resource costs that need to be paid. Reactions do not require an action point to play.ĭefense reactions can be played in the defense reaction step, which comes after the attack reaction step. This is where you can try to give your attack more power to get extra damage through, or to gain an additional effect. This comes after you have declared your attack and your opponent has had a chance to defend with cards from their hand. Attack reactions can only be played during the attack reaction step. Non-attack actions use an action point, just like action cards, so make sure you’re finished making actions or have a way to gain Go Again when playing one. They can also provide other options, like drawing cards or making tokens. Some strengthen your next attack or give your next attack Go Again. Non-attack action cards are just that – actions that don’t involve the act of attacking.

how to play city of heroes ccg

They vary in resource cost, attack power and how they can defend. These cards are primarily how you attack and deal damage to the opposing hero. The most common type of card in Flesh of Blood is the attack action. You can’t pitch cards without anything to pay for. First, you declare the card you are playing, then you pitch enough cards to pay for it. It is important to note that the order of playing and paying costs for cards matters in Flesh and Blood. With our remaining resources, we can play another card from our hand, or we can attack with one of our copies of Harmonized Kodachi, going down to one resource.

How to play city of heroes ccg